
The resorts of the Drôme and the whole of the Vercors massif are perfectly suited to snowshoeing.

The Department of the Drôme works to welcome you in the best possible conditions by publishing free downloadable “Good Snowshoeing Plans”.

Raquette GE

> Find our snowshoeing itineraries from Herbouilly
(Snowshoes for hire at the Nordic chalet)

To make the most of your walk, don’t hesitate to contact the Vercors mountain guides.

Information Tourist Office: 

tél. 04 75 48 22 54

> Snowshoeing itinary
« Le Pot du Loup »

Very pretty walk on the wooded plateau of Herbouilly, ideal for little ones or beginners.

Le Pot du Loup designates a chasm (cave) which once served as a den for a wolf.

Difficulty : easy 2.6km +70m

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> Snowshoeing itinary
« Le Sentier des Crêtes »

Walk between forest and ridge paths.

The spirit of Jack London and White Fang is not far away when the gaze is lost on the immense expanse of the Hauts Plateaux and the nature reserve.

Difficulty : quite difficult 7.4 km +370m

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> Snowshoeing itinary
« La Plaine d’Herbouilly »

Beautiful discovery of forest trails, meadows and vertiginous lookouts. The site is also steeped in history, with the engraved stone marker that marked the border between the territories of the lord of Sassenage and the bishop of Die.

Difficulty : quite easy 4.6 km +180m

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Find on this page our snowshoe itineraries from Font d’Urle et du Col de Carri

> Walking pass

The pass is compulsory to access the marked snowshoeing itineraries. This fee allows us to offer you quality itineraries and many additional services (maps, signposting, snow removal, parking, rescue, etc.). This pass is available at the cash desk and via our website.

3.50 €Free for children under 16 years old

To make the most of your walk, don’t hesitate to contact the Vercors mountain guides.

Information Tourist Office: 

tél. 04 75 48 22 54

> Snowshoe and pedestrian itinerary

“Font d’Urle”

This itinerary, which is accessible to snowshoers and pedestrians, goes around the resort and allows you to discover the alpine domain and passes near the pretty hamlet of Font d’Urle.

Difficulty : very easy 3.50 km + 88 m

Start : Font d’Urle resort

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> Snowshoeing itinerary

“Les Gagères”

This magnificent route will take you through landscapes worthy of Lapland. A change of scenery guaranteed!

Difficulty : Hard 7 km + 325 m

Start : Font d’Urle resort

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> Snowshoeing itinerary


This snowshoe walk allows you to discover two faces of the Vercors landscape. Forest atmosphere at the Col de Carri, but more open at the Col de Maupas.

Difficulty : Easy 6.7 km +250 m

Start : Col de Carri

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> Snowshoeing itinerary

“Scialet Royer”

Sports route through the beautiful slow forest and beautiful lawns: d’Herbounouse, Bournette, Lièvre Blanc…

Near the cross-country ski area of Font d’Urle.

Difficulty : difficult 14.6 km +450 m

Start: Col de Carri

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Find on this page our snowshoe itineraries from Vassieux-en-Vercors

(page en cours de modification)


> Walking pass

The pass is compulsory to access the marked snowshoeing itineraries. This fee allows us to offer you quality itineraries and many additional services (maps, signposting, snow removal, parking, rescue, etc.). This pass is available at the cash desk and via our website.

3.50 € -Free for children under 16 years old

To make the most of your walk, don’t hesitate to contact the mountain guides to organise snowshoe outings during the day or by moonlight.

Informations : ou

> Snowshoeing itinerary

« Le chemin des feuilles »

A walk in the forest with beautiful views over the Vassieux-en-Vercors plain. No difficulty on this itinerary, which is mainly on long tracks.

Difficulty : Easy

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> Snowshoeing itinerary

« La randonnée »

Very beautiful winter hike in the forest in an area that is often snow-covered and sheltered from the winds. This route will certainly transport you into the atmosphere of the countries Nordic.

Difficulty : quite difficult 9.5 km + 300m

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Find on this page our snowshoe itineraries from Col de Rousset


> Walking pass

The pass is compulsory to access the marked snowshoeing itineraries. This fee allows us to offer you quality itineraries and many additional services (maps, signposting, snow removal, parking, rescue, etc.). This pass is available at the cash desk and via our website.

3.50 €Free for children under 16 years old

To make the most of your walk, don’t hesitate to contact the Vercors mountain guides.

Information Tourist Office: 

tél. 04 75 48 22 54

> Snowshoeing itinerary

« Les Gauras »

This hike takes you to the Gauras grasslands to admire the entire Vercors high plateau chain and its highest point, the Grand-Veymont (2341m).

Difficulty : Fairly easy 4,7 km + 250 m

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> Snowshoeing itinerary

« Le Bois du loup »

Ideal for families with the most beautiful view of the Vercors plateaus, this itinerary allows you to admire the vultures near the cliffs and to cross a beautiful beech forest. Accessible with the chairlift (paying)Ideal for families with the best view of the Vercors plateaus, this route allows you to admire the vultures near the cliffs and to cross a beautiful beech forest. Accessible with the chairlift (paying)

Difficulty : Easy 2,8 km 120 m

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> Snowshoeing itinerary

« Le sentier de l’Ours du Vercors »

This itinerary can be done from the resort (with or without the chairlift) or from the Beure car park.

Magnificent view of the high plateaus and the Diois

Difficulty : Hard 6.7 km

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Find on this page our snowshoe itineraries from Lus-la-Jarjatte

> NEW ! 

An archery course is available on snowshoes. Grab a bow and set off to attack the monsters that invade Lus la Jarjatte! This is an ideal family activity to motivate the youngest to try snowshoeing.
Prices for bow, arrows and quiver rental: 5€.

informations : 

tél. 04 92 58 51 86

> Walking pass

The pass is compulsory to access the marked snowshoeing itineraries. This fee allows us to offer you quality itineraries and many additional services (maps, signposting, snow removal, parking, rescue, etc.). Available at the cash desk and via our website.

3.50 € – Free for children under 16 years old

> Snowshoeing itinerary

“la Jarjatine”

This hike follows pretty tracks in the Jarjatte valley (classified site). Ideal for discovering the activity with children. Different natural environments crossed: river bank, undergrowth, plain…

Difficulty : Very easy 2.60 km + 60 m

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> Snowshoeing itinerary

“Le Prè de la Lèbre”

This itinerary allows you to discover wild spaces in the beech-fir forest and open spaces allowing you to see the beautiful Aiguilles of Lus (2161m) or the Tête de Vachères (2402m).

Difficulty : Medium 4 km + 280 m

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> Snowshoeing itinerary

“Parcours tir à l’arc”

This archery course is offered on snowshoes or on foot depending on the conditions. This is an ideal family activity to motivate the youngest to learn about snowshoes.
Prices for bow, arrows and quiver rental: 5€.

Difficulty : Very easy 2 km + 60 m

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Find on this page the snowshoe itineraries starting from Grand Echaillon

Le Grand Échaillon


The pass is compulsory to access the marked snowshoeing itineraries. This fee allows us to offer you quality itineraries and many additional services (maps, signposting, snow removal, parking, rescue, etc.). This pass is available at the cash desk and via our website.

3.50 € – Free for children under 16.

To make the most of your walk, don’t hesitate to contact the mountain guides to organise snowshoe outings during the day or by moonlight.

Informations: ou

> Snowshoeing itinerary

“La Bergerie du Grand Echaillon”

Very nice walk on large snowy areas.
This route invites you to play. Jumping, running, sliding with snowshoes, it is not so easy, but it is so much fun!

Difficulty : Easy 4 km 100 m

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> Snowshoeing itinerary

“Le Pas de Chovet

This route remains a privileged way to perceive the beauty of nature in winter! Between open environments with wide panoramas and the intimacy of the undergrowth, this route will give riders the desire for other white adventures!

Difficulty : Hard 7,4 km + 350 m

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> Snowshoeing itinerary


Third route from the station.

No document available for download for this route, you can find it on the piste map.

Difficulty: Difficult 13.5 km + 350m